After having a friend test the game in its current state, I received some feedback that suggested adding some more depth to the background would be a good idea, as it currently feels a bit weird to drift around with a static background.
Enter, Parallax layers!
The idea is simple, have several flat background layers that move (or in my case, offset their textures) at different and slower speeds in the opposite direction to the player.
The execution however... well, let's just say it was less than smooth. Everything from textures corrupting, to having to reinstall GIMP, recreating a bunch of assets in attempts to troubleshoot... yeah.
Fun times.
Anyway. It's done. It took 3 days but it's finally working. I'm not incredibly happy with the textures I'm using for it (a starfield and cloud noise) but I'll get a video of this in action up soon - actually, I'm due for another progress video, watch this space.
Also - here's a shot of the character's enable/disable collider. The big green circle is what turns everything off and on when you're out of/in range of it - notice how the red boundary cubes are restricted to within it? It's what stops the game from melting my computer when the item count starts to climb.
The smaller circle is responsible for interaction with the AI and the tiny dot in the centre is the player (which should give you an idea of scale). Also, if you're curious, the rectangle is the boundary of the game camera - so what you'd be looking at if you were playing.
More coming soon.
- c00p.
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