Friday, 29 August 2014

Trading System!

After what feels like a massive amount of work, the Trading System is finally in place!

Now, the player can purchase or sell various goods from the space stations. Screenshots follow.

The positioning of the hold GUI and Trade Window.
Closeup of the trading window and GUI.
A Space Station. These are where the player can trade.
As you can see, there's currently 9 different goods that can be purchased. The prices of these will fluctuate between stations to give some variety. Currently, the player only needs to touch a space station to activate the trade window, they can still fly around freely while it's open and only need to leave the station's area to close it. I expect this to change.

I'll be working the Barter skill in soon, once I figure out a good way to do so. I'm also toying with the idea of having the prices rise and fall if you buy/sell large amounts.

Also, it's only 1 unit per click at the moment but I expect I'll put something in like: 'Shift + Buy = 10 units'.

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